Wampum History – Good information on the history and manufacturing of Wampum
Metoac History – an article describing the Metoac Nation of Long Island
Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (1990)
Metoac Indian History – a reference from Handbook of American Indians, 1906
Center for Algonquin Culture – Information on Northeast Algonquian culture
Indians of Manhattan and Vicinity -1909 Natural History Museum article on Indian archaeology
New York Timeline’,’Includes many references to Maidstone (East Hampton)
The Long Island Indians by Thomas Bayles, Typical summary of Long Island “13 Tribes” theory
Montauk-Shinnecock Treaty 1663 – Colonial coerced treaty places Shinnecock under Montauk control
Catoneras – the Long Island ‘Pocohontas’?’,’Article relating to the existence of Catoneras
A National Monument nobody knows about – link submitted by Wildajean Gardiner
Material History of the Montauks, a Lecture by Gaynell Stone